As the title of this post says, it's 12:30 on a Saturday night. Everyone else is gone out to the club and I am lying in bed updating my blog. I'm such a loser! HA HA! Like I really care. I have another 10 weekends left to go out. Man that makes it sound like such a long time! We went out last night though, and I wasn't really in the mood to go out tonight. We went out for a little bit to a friend's house, but it was only for an hour and a half. Erin and Stacey are gone out to the club too, but I decided to come back home.
Making these posts is hard cause I don't remember what I have already written. So, this is the start of week 4. That makes me excited! One week closer to coming home! This week was crazy for homework too. We have at least 3 tests a week. It's absolutely crazy! It's a lot more work than if I was home going to school. I'm still managing to have fun though. Erin and Stacey usually take a nap everyday and I go crazy just sitting here in my room. I start thinking about home and it makes me so homesick, but not to the point of crying. I haven't cried since the first Sunday that I've been here, so it's been 2 weeks! Go me!
Tomorrow (which is Monday now,) we are playing pelote basque which is another popular game here in St. Pierre. I think it's similiar to squash, but I'm not really sure. I will take some pictures of that too. Speaking of pictures, my count is now 440...didn't go up a whole lot, but like I said earlier, we were basically doing homework all week so nothing to really take pictures of.
Ok, so you can tell how bored I am by how long this post is getting. If you're wondering how come I haven't really posted any pictures on here it's because it takes such a long time. It'll probably have to wait until I come home (they will be put on my google page then).
Anyway, this post is long enough. It is now 1:00am. Miss everyone. Keep posting on the corkboard!
Love all. Trust Few. Do Wrong To No One - Dr. Seuss
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Troisème Semaine est commencée (Third week is started)
Ok, so this is the beginning of the third week. Only 10 weeks left! Oh my god, that sounds like such a long time! Our trip to Langlade and Miquelon on Saturday was fun. You wouldn't believe the hills that we walked up. Yes hills as in more than one. It was retarded! I have pictures to show when I get back. I'm gonna cut this post off now. Short and sweet.
BTW, photo count as of now is 438
BTW, photo count as of now is 438
Friday, September 21, 2007
End of Week Two
So, today is the end of week two (well, school wise). Things are going good so far. Still missing home like crazy, but that's normal. Last week we went to Le Rustique Wednesday thru Saturday and on Friday and Saturday night after Le Rustique we went to Le Joinville (another club here in St. Pierre). Le Joinville is more of a disco type bar, and you can dance there. Unfortunately, it's still legal to smoke in bars here, so I had a sore throat all last week. We didn't go to Le Rustique this week because we've had so much homework to do. We can't go tonight because we have to get up at 6 tomorrow morning to go to Langlade et Miquelon, the other two islands. The boat leaves at 8 tomorrow morning and we are gonna be gone for 11 hours! It's a Saturday...can't they give us a break? Oh well, I will be able to take lots of photos! Speaking of photos, I've taken 233 already and it's only the second week. I can only image how many I will have by the time I get ready to come home.
So far, we've toured an island called Isle aux Marins, visited a Museum, toured St. Pierre on foot and in bus, went shopping, went to the patisseries (bakeries) and went to the bars. I'm gonna bring back a few sweets for you guys to try. Me, my roommates and some of the other people from the program usually go to Bertrand's house in the evenings (he's the bus driver at my school "a.k.a the Francoforum"). Today, we played pétanque. It's like land bowling. It was fun but kinda boring. I have pictures of it to show when I get back.
One thing that I forgot to mention the last time I posted was that I have a sink in my room! I thought it was so weird at first, but it's actually quite good to have it there.
Wow, this is a long post. Anyway, I'm done for now. Thought I would get the post in while I can. Hope you guys are having fun (but not too much without me). I miss everything loads and see you in 2 1/2 months!
Vous me manquez! (I miss you!)
A plus tard! (Later!)
P.S. The picture is of me and my two roommates. Stacey, Erin, and me. I think that was before we were going to Le Rustique one night.
Friday, September 14, 2007
First post in St. Pierre
Hey guys. Hope all is well. This is my first post since actually being in St. Pierre. I'm doing good and having fun. Hope you guys are fine too. I miss everyone and can't wait to come home. We went out to "La Rustique" the past 2 nights and we are going out again tonight. I can't wait. "La Rustique" is a bar here in St. Pierre. I like my roommates. They aren't as bad as I thought they were. We are getting along well. I didn't even start talking to them until we were in the airport. Now we know so much about each other, it's crazy. Anyway, I have to go now because we only have a limited amount of time on the computer. Love you guys and miss you so much!
Au Revoir!
Au Revoir!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
And I'm off!

I'm off to St. Pierre in about half an hour or so, so I decided to update the blog once more before I go. Besides, I wanted to try and put a picture on here so that once I take some good ones in St. Pierre I can put some on here for you guys to see. Maintenant, c'est tout le français, tout le temps! (Now it's all french all the time!)
Saturday, September 8, 2007
September 8th
Ok, so I'm still not in St. Pierre yet and I've updated twice. I dunno how often I will be able to get on a computer down there so I'm gonna try to update as much as possible. Wonder if anyone has actually started reading this yet? Hmm....
Other than spending $50 on books at Chapters today, nothing eventful has really happened yet. Oh...they misplaced my placement test in the lab and thought that I didn't show up to write the test. I got an e-mail asking me why I didn't write the test, then another e-mailing me back shortly after saying that they found the test. Thank God they did cause I didn't wanna pay $2000 for nothing. Anyway, I'm leaving for St. Pierre tomorrow and apparently as soon as we get on the plane it's all French all the time. Yipee!
That's all the news for now. Remember, don't have too much fun without me!
Vie, Rie, Ama!
(Live, Laugh, Love)
Other than spending $50 on books at Chapters today, nothing eventful has really happened yet. Oh...they misplaced my placement test in the lab and thought that I didn't show up to write the test. I got an e-mail asking me why I didn't write the test, then another e-mailing me back shortly after saying that they found the test. Thank God they did cause I didn't wanna pay $2000 for nothing. Anyway, I'm leaving for St. Pierre tomorrow and apparently as soon as we get on the plane it's all French all the time. Yipee!
That's all the news for now. Remember, don't have too much fun without me!
Vie, Rie, Ama!
(Live, Laugh, Love)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My first REAL update (off the west coast)
Alright, so I'm finally out of Corner Brook. In St. John's right now. Just got here. Still really nervous and I'm missing home already, but I'll be fine. Can't wait to get out there and start speaking some French. Miss all you guys already. For those of you that I didn't get to see before I left, sorry. I know I shouldn't make excuses, but I was really sick this weekend and super busy Monday and Tuesday. Anyway, I'm out. Don't have too much fun without me.
Miss you all!
Miss you all!
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